Tips on Introductory Stream Habitat Survey
(Module 1)

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Feature measurements.

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Stretch your measuring tape from the left bank, across to the right bank, looking downstream. Take wetted width measurement, then bankfull width, keep the tape measure in the latter position and pulled taut, then take your bankfull and wetted depth measurements.
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Take first measurement .1m away from the left bank, continuing measurements every .5m in a stream less then 5m across or every 1m in streams from 5m to 15m across, and include the edge of the wetted area as a separate measurement. Hint: be sure to collect measurements that capture the shallow areas as well as the deeper waters.
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Have the person collecting depth measurements stand behind (downstream of) the measuring tape.
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Call the measurements out loud and clear to the note taker on shore.
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Tributary: take bankfull and wetted depth and width measurements.
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Take temperature - if different from the temperature in the mainstem, take two more readings in the mainstem, one a few meters upstream of the tributary and one a few meters downstream.
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For a culvert, measure these 4 aspects:
  1. height/width or diameter of culvert;
  2. depth of pool at base;
  3. height from substrate to the entrance/bottom of the culvert;
  4. depth of water in culvert
Record temperature if there is any reason that it would be different from the mainstem.
If effluent smells DO NOT TOUCH.
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For a culvert such as this, record width and height. Note that it is half full of fines, whether it is discharging at the moment or if it would during a rain event. Photos help to clarify any oddities